5 Element Wheel

The Five Element wheel is the cycle of life, from seed to sprout to flower to fruit to decay and finally to seed again; the end is the beginning and around we go.

By tuning in this way, we honor the seasons in nature, the seasons in our own lives, and the different energetics along the process of becoming who we are, again and again.


WATER Element ~ Fundamentals

In the life cycle of a plant, it’s a seed deep in the soil, filled with potential and a powerful essence waiting to grow roots and branches. 

How does this apply to your Pilates practice?

It’s the BASIC material and the fundamental principles. The essence of our workout and our deep, true core and spine connection.


WOOD Element ~ Work & Grow

The Wood is the sprout coming up out of the ground with courage and flexibility on its creative path to becoming a tree. 

Your Pilates WOOD Element Workouts

It’s how we grow, stretch, bend, get stronger and take up space. It’s the INTERMEDIATE material and all the bending, twisting and hip work. 


FIRE Element ~ Expansive & Playful

Think of it as the flowers on the big, bold trees—upward, radiant and expansive. 

FIRE Element and Pilates

Fire points to the expansive work, filled with backbends, inversions and smiles. The ADVANCED Pilates material is very fiery, made possible because of the steps of growth from Water to Wood and then to Fire.


EARTH Element ~ Daily Core~ Owning Your Center

This is a time of richness and fullness, where flowers have become fruit and the garden is abundant. . 

EARTH Element energetics in your Pilates practice

Our dedication to and OWNERSHIP of our movement makes us feel full and abundant from the inside out. 


METAL Element ~ RECOVER~ Refine, Stretch, Breath

This is a time of release in nature, as the trees become bare and the air cool and crisp.  

Your Pilates METAL Element Workouts

This is where we are mindful of our breath, PRECISION, letting go and stripping away back down to essentials.  




Our ‘why’