Teachers are Students

I met Brooke Tyler in 2017 while visiting friends in Asheville. I dropped in for a few classes and was hooked on her high vibe energy & interpretation of the method infusing the 5 Elements into her teachings.

I have taught Pilates for decades.

I love how Brooke keeps the practice fresh & introduces new ways to look at movement while staying true to the classics.

I’ve been back every time I’m in Asheville, sometimes for drop in & others for her killer workshops. I always learn something new.

I also love that I can practice with her more and in new ways like on-demand through CoreSelf and her live Zoom classes. I live in a tiny town and own the only pilates studio for miles so it feels amazing to have this rockstar to connect with & keep practicing.

~ Judy Heany


‘Physical & Mental healthcare…’

